
March 1, 2021

Telr and PayPal to unlock the global market for local merchants.

As of March 2021, Telr and PayPal are collaborating to enable Telr users in the UAE to receive PayPal payments from online customers. This collaboration is significant as it will bolster Telr payment methods and allow Telr users to sell all over the global market - in over 200 markets, namely.

Teaming up with PayPal will allow Telr to enhance their global market presence, reaching 348 million PayPal users around the world. Moreover, this team-up will help amplify the UAE's efforts to move towards a digital, cashless society in the coming year.

According to Matt Komorowski, Senior Director Channel Partner at PayPal, "Our focus has always been to help businesses leverage global opportunity and in the light of the digital adoption which the pandemic has brought us, cross-border selling has become ever more relevant." Of the collaboration, Telr's Ceo, Khalil Alami, mentioned that "Merchants should look beyond their own borders for sales opportunities."